We perform a comprehensive service that includes onsite visits, primary analysis of cards, thorough cleaning to prevent malfunctions, corrosion, and dust accumulation, data recording for report.
What we do?
- Onsite Visit: Our expert team visits the location where the cards are installed or stored.
- Primary Analysis of the Cards: A preliminary examination of the cards to identify visible issues, defects, or anomalies including checking for physical damage, loose connections, or any other noticeable soldering issues.
- Specialized Cleaning: Primary Cleaning is performed to prevent malfunction, corrosion and dust deposits. This step is crucial for maintaining the optimal functioning of the cards and preventing long-term damage.
- DATA Records: During the onsite visit, our expert team provides Analytical Data on the condition of the cards like exsisting issues, cleaning requirements, and other significant observations. Accurate and detailed data records are made for creating comprehensive reports.
- Reports and Further Analysis: The data records are then used to generate reports. These reports describes the current state of the cards, any actions taken during the visit (cleaning, minor repairs ETC), and recommendations for further maintenance or improvements along with identifying patterns, trends, or potential long-term issues.
Benefits of Test and Certification:
- Identify the actual problem: To accurately identify the root cause of issues within panels or modules.
- Fix issues efficiently: To conduct necessary repairs or adjustments required to resolve the identified issues.
- Maintain panels effectively: To provide regular preventive maintenance and ensure optimal performance and longevity of the panels.
- Manage inventory effectively: Submision of Certification reports to identify aged components or parts that may need replacement avoiding unexpected failures and minimizing downtime.
- Prevent module faults: To detect potential issues before hand and to adopt preventive measures to avoid module faults there by enhancing reliability and performance of the panels.